In Review:
Freund D, Kerns JP, Ahmed KA, Butler, LE, Gannon TW (2024) Effect of Mowing Timing and Clipping Collection Practices on Azoxystrobin Distribution, Persistence, and Efficacy” (CROP-2024-05-0313-OA). Crop Sci.
Mascarenhans J, Quesada L, Collins H, Ahmed KA, Gannon TW, Almeyda C, Thiessen L, Huseth A (2024) Assessing pesticide residue levels in sweetpotato roots and slips treated with fungicides for management of southern blight and circular spot disease caused by Agroathelia rolfsi. Plant disease
Mascarenhans J, Quesada L, Collins H, Ahmed KA, Gannon TW, Almeyda C, Thiessen L, Huseth A (2024) Effect of sweetpotato root and slip fungicide applications on crop pesticide residue levels when managing black rot disease caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata. Plant disease
In Press:
Maxwell PJ, Gannon TW (2021) Post-application irrigation timing affects dislodgeable azoxystrobin foliar residue. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 7-1 e200098
Gannon TW (2019) Soil volumetric water content at application affects subsurface lateral herbicide movement in turfgrass. J. Environ. Qual.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2018) 2,4-D and azoxystrobin bioremoval capacity of aquatic plants native to the southeast United States. Intnl. J. Phytorem.
Invited handbooks:
Gannon TW (2021) Herbicide Handbook, 11th edn. Lawrence, KS: Weed Science Society of America. In preparation, anticipated publication date October 2021.
Published book chapters:
Elmore MT, Patton AJ., Gannon TW, Brosnan JT (2023). Advances in turfgrass weed management. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
Henry GM, Elmore MT, Gannon TW (2021) Biology and Management of Cyperus esculentus and Cyperus rotundus in Biology and Management of Problematic Weed Species. Elsevier Science and Technology.151 -172
Camacho ME, Faúndez-Urbina CA, Amoozegar A, Gannon TW, Heitman JL, Leon RG (2023). Subsurface Lateral Solute Transport in Turfgrass. Agronomy, 13(3), 903.
Camacho ME, Faúndez-Urbina CA, Amoozegar, A, Gannon T W, Heitman J L, Leon RG (2023). Subsurface Lateral Solute Transport in Turfgrass. Agronomy, 13(3), 903.
Frisvold GB, Agme C, Ervin D, Allen J, Askew S, Bowling RG, Gannon TW, Bagavathiannan M (2023). Extension event attendance increases adoption of weed management practices by sports field managers. Weed Technology, 37(5), 578–587.
Kowalewski AR, Mattox CM, Brosnan JT, Kaminski JE, Patton AJ, McCurdy JD, Gannon TW, De Castro EB (2023). Using survey results to direct future extension efforts in annual bluegrass management. Natural Sciences Education, 52(2), e20123.
Polli EG, Gannon TW, LeCompte MC, Rogers RR, Ahmed KA, Beran DD 2023. Response of soybean, cotton, and tobacco to volatility of 2,4-D and dicamba formulations in humidome. Weed Tech Journal. Nov 24 2023.
Ramanathan SS, Gannon TW, Locke AM, Everman W J (2023). Characterizing atrazine, mesosulfuron‐methyl, and topramezone bioavailability in North Carolina soils using greenhouse bioassays. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 6(2), e20371.
Ramanathan SS, Gannon TW, Maxwell PJ (2023). Dose-response of five weed species to indaziflam and oxadiazon. Weed Technology, 37(3), 303-312. https://doi:10.1017/wet.2023.39
Rivera‐Chacon R, Castillo MS, Gannon TW, Bekewe PE (2023). Harvest frequency and harvest timing following a freeze event effects on yield and composition of switchgrass. Agronomy Journal, 115(1), 222-229.
Rutland CA, Bowling RG, Russell EC, Hall ND, Patel J, Askew SD, Gannon TW, McElroy JS (2023). Survey of target site resistance alleles conferring resistance in Poa annua. Crop Science, 63(5), 3110-3121.
Stephens CM, Gannon, TW, Thiessen LD, Cubeta MA, Kerns JP (2023). In vitro fungicide sensitivity and effect of organic matter concentration on fungicide bioavailability in take-all root rot pathogens isolated from North Carolina. Plant Health Progress, 24(2), 162-170.
Stephens CM, Gannon T W, Cubeta MA, Kerns JP (2023). Influence of fungicide selection and application timing on take‐all root rot management under field and greenhouse conditions. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management, e20261.
Camacho ME, Heitman JL Gannon TW, Amoozegar A, Leon RG (2021) Seed germination responses to soil hydraulic conductivity and polyethylene glycol (PEG) osmotic solutions. Plant and Soil. vol. 462-1 1:175 – 188
McKnight AM, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2021) Phytoremediation of azoxystrobin and imidacloprid by wetland plant species. Intnl. J. Phytorem. doi:10.1080/15226514.2021.1932726
McKnight AM, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2021) Evaluation of atrazine, azoxystrobin and imidacloprid phytoremediation by terrestrial plant species. Intnl. J. Phytorem. doi:10.1080/15226514.2021.1932724
Stephens, C.M., J.P. Kerns, and T.W. Gannon (2021). Fungicide fate following mowing and irrigation, J. Environ. Qual. 50-4: 868-876 DOI: 10.1002/jeq2,20249
Haug, E., K. Ahmed, T.W. Gannon and R. Richardson (2021). Absorption and translocation of florpyrauxifen-benzyl (Procellacor™) in ten aquatic plant species. Weed Sci. 69-6: 624-630 DOI:10.1017/wsc.2021.38
Inman, MD, Vann MC, Fisher LR, Gannon TW, Jordan DL, Jennings KM (2021) Evaluation of dicamba retention in spray tanks and its impact on flue-cured tobacco. Weed Technol. 35-1: 35–42.
Maxwell PJ, Gannon TW (2021) Formulation, application timing, and postapplication irrigation timing affect dislodgeable azoxystrobin from turfgrass. Agron. J. 113-2 1164 – 1171 doi:10.1002/agj2.20560
Besancon TE, Dayan FE, Gannon TW, Everman WJ (2020) Conservation and divergence in sorgoleone production of sorghum species. J. Environ. Qual. 49:368–377.
Hunter JE, Gannon TW, Richardson RJ, Yelverton FH, Leon RG (2020) Coverage and drift potential associated with nozzle and speed selection for herbicide applications using an unmanned aerial sprayer. Weed Technol. 34:235–240. doi:10.1017/wet.2019.101.
Hunter JE, Gannon TW, Richardson RJ, Yelverton FH, Leon RG (2020) Integration of remote–weed mapping and an autonomous spraying unmanned aerial vehicle for site‐specific weed management. Pest Manage. Sci. 76:1386–1392.
Hutchens, WJ, Gannon TW, Shew HD, Ahmed KA, Kerns JP (2020) Soil surfactants influence fungicide movement in US golf association putting green soil. J. Environ. Qual. 49:450–459.
Hutchens, WJ, Gannon TW, Shew HD, Kerns JP (2019) Effect of post–application irrigation on fungicide movement and efficacy against Magnaporthiopsis poae. Crop Protect. 122:106–111.
Maxwell, PJ, Gannon TW, Cooper RJ (2018) Nonionic surfactant affects dislodgeable 2,4–D foliar residue from turfgrass. Weed Technol. 32:557–563. doi:10.1017/wet.2018.47.
Ou L, Gannon TW, Arellano C, Polizzotto ML (2018) Predicting atrazine sorption from soil properties: A global meta–analysis. J. Environ. Qual. 47:1389-1399. doi:10:2134.11.0429.
Cooper RJ, Gannon TW, Peacock CH, John CV (2017) Dissipation of foliar carfentrazone residues following application to a tall fescue lawn and implications for human exposure. Intnl. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 13:53–57.
Cooper RJ, Peacock CH, Gannon TW, Shea D, John CV (2017) Dissipation of foliar bifenthrin residues following application to a tall fescue lawn and implications for human exposure. Intnl. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 13:48–52.
Gannon TW, Warren LS, Yelverton FH, Jeffries MD (2017) Effect of indaziflam on bermudagrass rooting. Intnl. Turfgrass Soc. J. 13:702–706.
Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Ahmed KA (2017) Effect of soil texture and pH on amicarbazone persistence. Intnl. Turfgrass Soc. J. 13:698–701.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Brosnan JT, Breeden GK (2017) Comparing dislodgeable 2,4–D residues across athletic field turfgrass species and time. PLoS One doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168086.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Brosnan JT, Breeden GK (2017) Sprayer setup affects dislodgeable 2,4–D foliar residues from hybrid bermudagrass athletic fields. Weed Technol. 31:269–278.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Maxwell PJ (2017) Protocols for quantifying transferable pesticide residues in turfgrass systems. J. Vis. Exp. doi:10.3791/55182.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Reynolds WC, Yelverton FH, Silcox CA (2017) Herbicide applications and incorporation methods affect dazomet efficacy on bermudagrass. HortTechnol. 27:24–29.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2017) Herbicide inputs and mowing affects vaseygrass (Paspalum urvillei) control. Weed Technol. 31:120–129.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2017) Tall fescue roadside mowing reduction from imazapic. Agron. J. 109:1765–1770.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2017) Zoysiagrass sod establishment along guardrails: Evaluations of cultivars, soil preparation techniques, and planting timings. Crop Sci. 57:993–1000.
Ou L, Gannon TW, Polizzotto ML (2017) Impact of soil organic carbon on monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) sorption and species transformation. Chemoshpere 186:243–250.
Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Ahmed KA (2017) Irrigation and soil surfactants affect abamectin distribution in soil. Crop Sci. 57:573–580.
Gannon TW, Polizzotto ML (2016) MSMA: Knowledge gaps to aid appropriate regulation of an efficacious herbicide. Agri. Environ. Letters doi:10.2134/ael2016.0025.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW (2016) Effect of soil organic matter content and volumetric water content on ‘Tifway 419’ hybrid bermudagrass growth following indaziflam applications. Weed Technol. 30:677–687.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW (2016) Soil organic matter content and volumetric water content affect indaziflam–soil bioavailability. Weed Sci. 64:757–765.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW (2016) Tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] mowing height affects preemergence herbicide activity and efficacy. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. doi:10.2134/cftm2015.0209.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Brosnan JT, Ahmed KA, Breeden GK (2016) Factors influencing dislodgeable 2,4–D plant residues from hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. x C. transvaalensis) athletic fields. PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148992.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Brosnan JT, Breeden GK (2016) Mitigation practices to effectively overseed into indaziflam–treated turfgrass areas. Weed Technol. 30:154–162.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Ou L (2016) Effect of indaziflam applications on ‘Tifway 419’ bermudagrass growth. Agron. J. 108:950–956.
Jeffries MD, Yelverton FH, Ahmed KA, Gannon TW (2016) Persistence in and release of 2,4–D and azoxystrobin from turfgrass clippings. J. Environ. Qual. 45:2030–2037.
Wolfe JC, Neal JC, Harlow CD, Gannon TW (2016) Efficacy of the bioherbicide Thaxtomin A on Smooth Crabgrass and annual bluegrass and safety in cool–season turfgrass. Weed Technol. 30:733–742.
Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Brosnan JT, Breeden GK, Tucker KA, Henry GM (2015) Preemergence herbicide efficacy for crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) control in common bermudagrass managed under different mowing heights. HortSci. 50:546–550.
Mahoney DJ, Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Polizzotto ML (2015) Arsenic distribution and speciation in a managed turfgrass system following monosodium methylarsenate application. Crop Sci. 55:2877–2885.
Mahoney DJ, Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Matteson AR, Polizzotto ML (2015) Management considerations to minimize environmental impacts of arsenic following monosodium methylarsenate (MSMA) applications to turfgrass. J Environ. Manage. 150:444–450.
Gannon TW, Hixson AC, Keller KK, Weber JB, Knezevic SZ, Yelverton FH (2014) Soil properties influence saflufenacil phytotoxicity. Weed Sci. 62:657–663.
Gannon TW, Jeffries MD (2014) 2,4–D and azoxystrobin bioremoval capacity of aquatic plants. Europ. J. Turfgrass Sci. 79:116–122.
Gannon TW, Jeffries MD (2014) Dislodgeable 2,4–D from athletic field turfgrass. Europ. J. Hort. Sci. 79:57–58.
Jeffries MD, Mahoney DJ, Gannon TW (2014) Effect of simulated indaziflam drift rates on various plant species. Weed Technol. 28:608–616.
Lewis DF, Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Richardson RJ, Yelverton FH (2014) Persistence and bioavailability of aminocyclopyrachlor and clopyralid in turfgrass clippings: recycling clippings for additional weed control. Weed Sci. 62:493–500.
Mahoney DJ, Jeffries MD, Gannon TW (2014) Liquid carbon dioxide for selective weed control in turfgrass systems. Weed Technol. 28:560–568.
Matteson, AR, Gannon TW, Jeffries MD, Haines S, Lewis DF, Polizzotto ML (2014) Arsenic retention in foliage and soil after monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) application to turfgrass. J. Environ. Qual. 43:379–388.
Matteson AR, DJ Mahoney, Gannon TW, ML Polizzotto (2014) Integrated field lysimetry and porewater sampling for evaluation of chemical mobility in soils and established vegetation. J. Vis. Exp. doi:10.3791/51862.
Yelverton FH, Jeffries MD, Gannon TW (2014) Effect of turf species on pesticide clipping concentrations and subsequent release in aquatic systems. Europ. J. Turfgrass Sci. 79:116–122.
Gannon TW, Hixson AC, Weber JB, Shi W, Yelverton FH, Rufty TW (2013) Sorption of simazine and s-metolachlor to soils from a chronosequence of turfgrass systems. Weed Sci. 61:508–514.
Gannon TW, Navie SC, Yelverton FH, Bloor NC, Hampton SJ (2013) Suppression of Paspalum notatum Fluegge (bahiagrass) along Australian roadsides. Intnl. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 12:1–6.
Hoyle JA, Yelverton FH, Gannon TW (2013) Evaluating multiple rating methods utilized in turfgrass weed science. Weed Technol. 27:362–368.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2013) Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) control with amicarbazone and paclobutrazol. Weed Technol. 27:520–526.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Rufty TW, Yelverton FH (2013) Effect of selective amicarbazone placement on annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and creeping bentgrass growth. Weed Technol. 27:718–724.
Lewis DF, Roten RL, Everman WJ, Gannon TW, Richardson RJ, Yelverton FH (2013) Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of aminocyclopyrachlor in tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum). Weed Sci. 61:348–352.
Lewis DF, Jeffries MD, Everman WJ, Gannon TW, Richardson RJ, Yelverton FH (2013) Persistence and bioavailability of aminocyclopyrachlor and clopyralid in turfgrass clippings: recycling clippings for additional weed control. Weed Sci. 62:493–500.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH, Tredway LP (2012) Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) control in bermudagrass turf. Weed Technol. 26:61–70.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH, Tredway LP (2012) Selective exposure of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus), purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) and false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) to postemergence herbicides. Weed Technol. 26:294–299.
Jeffries MD, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2011) Liquid carbon dioxide offers selective weed control in established turfgrasses. Pak. J. Weed. Sci. Res. 18:785–791.
Yelverton FH, Gannon TW (2011) Selective exposure and efficacy of sulfosulfuron, sulfentrazone and trifloxysulfuron for sedge control. Asian Pacific Weed Science Society. ISBN Number: 978-0-9871961-0-1.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2010) Application placement equipment for bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) suppression. Weed Technol. 25:77–83.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2008) Effect of simulated rainfall on tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) control with glyphosate. Weed Technol. 22:553–557.
Hixson AC, Gannon TW, Yelverton FH (2007) Efficacy of application placement equipment for tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growth and seedhead suppression. Weed Technol. 21:801–806.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH, McElroy JS (2006) Allelopathic potential of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides). Weed Sci. 54:521–525.
McElroy JS, Breeden GK, Yelverton FH, Gannon TW, Askew SD, Derr JF (2005) Response of four improved seeded bermudagrass cultivars to postemergence herbicides during seeded establishment. Weed Technol. 19:979–985.
Burnell KD, Yelverton FH, Neal JC, Gannon TW, McElroy JS (2004) Control of silvery–thread moss (Bryum argenteum Hedw.) in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) putting greens. Weed Technol. 18:560–565.
Gannon TW, Yelverton FH, Cummings HD, McElroy JS (2004) Establishment of seeded centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) in utility turf areas. Weed Technol. 18:641–647.
McElroy JS, Yelverton FH, Gannon TW, Wilcut JW (2004) Foliar vs. soil exposure of green kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia) and false-green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) to postemergence treatments of CGA-362622, halosulfuron, imazaquin, and MSMA. Weed Technol. 18:145–151.